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Bolner's Fiesta

Bolner's Fiesta Cinnamon Sticks

1 oz
$3.00 each($3.00 / oz)

Aisle 7

Victoria H‑E‑B plus!


For those who consider quality first. Cinnamon Stick Suggestions: Hot Chocolate: 2 cups milk; 3 oz sweetened bar chocolate; 1 cinnamon stick. Place all ingredients in a shallow sauce pan and heat to a low simmer. Add more cinnamon or chocolate as you prefer. Add 1 cinnamon stick to your favorite hot beverage or use it as a stirrer to add a hint of spice. To create a pleasing aroma to any home, combine 1 package of cinnamon sticks, 1 package of whole cloves, and 1 package of whole nutmeg to 1 quart of water and simmer, un-covered on the stove. Bolner's Fiesta Brand is the mark of quality in garlic, spices, seasonings and herbs. These fine products are selected from the spice producing centers of the world. Only the highest quality available is packed under the Bolner's Fiesta Brand Trademark.


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